
From The Editor's Perspective

My Opinion of Detroit 

There is a myriad of personal opinions about Detroit. Out of all of them, which ones really matter, or do any of them matter at all (and to whom do they matter)? My guess is, at this point, the future of this greatly compromised landmark matters most to the people that still reside here. We are people that have babies to raise, and others of us are senior citizens that have spent their whole life witnessing the downward evolution of their surroundings. We are people who are homeowners and investors that believe in keeping their homes and properties beautiful, taking the time to manicure our lawns and put up a new coat of paint every few years. We are people who are entrepreneurs that believe in the power of unity, linking elbows together to take a stand against negative intruders who speak ill of Detroit.

Yes, there are people in positions of power (politicians, clergymen, opportunists) who take advantage of our trust, while living comfortably, at our expense. They drive, live and dine in excess. They make appearances for the camera. They, essentially, get a pass. When will a leader come about that truly cares about ALL of the interests of ALL of the people, who will that leader be, and what walk of life will they come from? Will we really be able to relate to him/her, and them, us?

My concern is not what leader we have, or have had. My concern revolves around a question that i've had for about 7 that continues to remain unanswered. When will we reunite to lift our own morale and change our own circumstances?

People are having children before they have a chance to grow up, themselves. There are very few mentors to really take interest in the development of their neighbor, thus, the age-old "dog-eat-dog" mentality is relevant and growing at lightning speed. Cyber wars between self-important people who would rather throw virtual Facebook and Twitter jabs, then mask their status updates with bible verses, popular quotes and self-help advice to their "followers". People care more about self-advertising and personal gain instead of lending a hand to help a person that wants to pursue similar interests in entrepreneurship, which comes from a very silly concept that there will be competition to worry about.

We need to stop believing that there is someone, somewhere that is going to save us. We need to create our own opportunities for advancement. We need to keep asking and believing until we get a yes, or, plant our seeds, giving them as much water and nourishment as they need to grow so that we can be self-made. We need to stop being so dependent on people in "power" to change our circumstances, surroundings or opportunities.

We cannot predict the future, but we can start somewhere. A good place to start would be in the mirror, being honest enough to point the finger at ourselves and ask "am I part of the solution, or a constant contributor to the problem"?

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People often confuse sight with vision.  There takes a huge amount of wherewithal to be a visionary.  Synonymously, being a visionary compares to the following: starry-eyed, Utopian, idealistic.  The same cannot be compared to actually "seeing" things with your eyes.  In all actuality, a true visionary decides that their dreams will come to fruition, simply by taking the necessary steps and implementing the necessary standard to ensure the success of said "vision".

We, as entrepreneurs, can be considered visionaries (for the most part).  We are those that endure many survival challenges when it comes to relevancy, resiliency and simply keeping our doors open.  True success can be correctly categorized by our ability to see "obstacles" as "stepping stones", never allowing redundancy or lack of knowledge to be a part of our DNA.

Make your mark (predetermined by your destiny) by not being a lazy entrepreneur.  Seek understanding if lack of knowledge is a factor.  Educate yourselves, relentlessly.  Discover a myriad of help aids, which can simply be acquired by reaching out to people with seniority in your chosen field of expertise.  Be teachable.  Realistically determine, by process of elimination, if your desired occupation is the one that is right for you, not undermining your desire to take risks.  Make bold moves, encouraged by tried and tested methods that bring forth results of growth and professional maturity.  Have the highest of standards, in all that you do.

PSA:  Detroit CEO Magazine is currently accepting nominations for the 2013 Detroit CEOs of the year.  Submit to, ATTN: 2013 Nominations, and share the reason for your nomination in 300 words or less.  Please include your contact information in the correspondence.


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